For all travelers who enjoy freedom in motion, Camper Park La Ribera offers you all the basic services and the best attention. The camping car area is located near the Mar Menor where you can relax, enjoy the good weather, nature, gastronomy, leisure and all kinds of sport activities.
It will be a place that you always remember.
Avenida Romería de San Blas s/n. CP 30730. San Javier
Latitude: 37°48’15.0″ N
Longitude: 0°48’57.0″ W
Latitude: 37.804168
Longitude: -0.815844
In Santiago de la Ribera you can find the Ferry that goes to La Manga, where you can also ride a Bike.
Every Year, with good Weather, lots of people come to this area to relax in the medical baths. There are also centers and hotels that offer these services.
The wetlands are of great importance because numerous bird species as Flamingos live there. In addition, tourism, exploitation of salt and fish, work together in the same environment. You can visit this regional park by bicycle or walking.